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It is over when it is over

It is over when it is over

Life is never over, as it never had to be born. It has been here long before, to be witnessed through a conscious being, an entity of grace. It is over when it is over I have met the real Pedro in Logroño, have walked 900 Kilometer in the Winter to Santiago de...
That which gets in the way – Is the way

That which gets in the way – Is the way

You see, this keeps happening to me, just as much as a hurtful foot or an aching hip. Even my mind wanted to not accept this at first and I did realise that, noticed the rejection of something beautiful just as much as I would probably reject some pain at first. That...
When Play brings real emotions to the surface

When Play brings real emotions to the surface

Suddenly there was real emotion and not a play of a theatre piece. Laughing, crying, running tears and a beating heart, that was making somersaults for being free. When Play brings real emotions to the surface Yes, I am back again writing some new lines of text for...
My foot is broken – so, what now

My foot is broken – so, what now

Limping and making carefully one step at a time, I made it to a place called Montedor. I stepped into a Cafe which was named after the town, ordered a cafe and a toast with ham and cheese and sat down outside. My foot is broken – so, what now “My foot is...