Wir alle tragen diesen besonderen Funken in uns, den wir zum Leuchten bringen wollen
(Engl.) Stillness of the heart

This poem came into creation on my way to Santiago from Malaga across the vial de la plata, over the camino Frances – until the Atlantic ocean. Very soon, I will be traveling again with a wonderful group of people and this is what came to me this morning. Every journey is a journey to the real you, a you, that is free and humble in its very nature.
Can you feel it?
Are you scared, when stillness enters your heart?
It tries to break through to you,
wanting to leave its involuntary exile.
notice that it’s you, knocking the door,
to see, what lays behind the thought of angst,
lays behind the illusion of the story you feed.
grab the handle to freedom,
and enter through the fog of uncertainty,
there ain’t anything bad or good.
so, walk on the ice of humbleness,
let it melt, creating a stream of pure love,
for you to dive into the primordial existence of stillness.
– Sven Kaven, NOW
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