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I feel like dropping into the pilgrim. I sort stop exploring places, I am staying at, and instead of that, come down to very simple tasks, like cooking and enjoying a glass of wine in the kitchen.

When you are here but you never see Porto

von | Juni 24, 2020 | Camino Portugues | 0 Kommentare

This morning it was again time to say goodbye to Lisbon. Only this time, it all was somewhat less of an effort. I had my train ticket to Porto in my pocket and the lovely morning walk to the train station Apolonia was pleasant and warm. I can feel, how my body wants to get, onto the walk to Santiago de Compostela, and so I adhere to it and go peacefully south before the train takes me up north.

It is not my first time in Porto and all I can remember of this town the first time around is the station nearby and some of the cafes in the area. At the time, I was on my way back to Lisbon and so had a short stopover in a town. A town, which is being loved by so many people, visitors as well as inhabitance. I still have not seen it. Would that change this time? Well, I got here and Porto was greeting me in its usual grey in grey. I got off the train and first thing, went into a bar to get one of the delicious cafes. Yummy. On my digital maps, I take a look at how to get best to the albergue in Porto. It all was not so difficult, just about 45 minutes up through town. So, what the heck. I finished my cafe, threw my backpack on my back and made my way up.

The parts of Porto which I walked through, I would consider working-class areas, with lots of little but simple bars all the way. „Where is the Porto everyone is falling in love with“, I asked myself. I could not see it. I just kept walking, and soon I should reach the albergue. I was greeted and invited in. Because of the Corona-Virus, all is right now somewhat different, but the heartwarming welcome is still happening. Surely, no embracing or kissing is happening, but eyes can say so much, and so we let our faces do the talking. I officially feel in Camino-Feeling and so dive into it, drop my pack, get my sleeping area ready for the night, exchange a few more words with the volunteers of the albergue and make my way out to find out more about the area I am staying. And this is, what happens when I feel like dropping into the pilgrim. I sort stop exploring places, I am staying at, and instead of that, come down to very simple tasks, like cooking and enjoying a glass of wine in the kitchen. Not sure how to describe it but I feel like dropping into the total simplicity of life. Nothing matters anymore, except to practice presence in a sense of not cluttering the journey full with stuff. Sorry, my dear Portugues friends, who may be reading this but this is not about the love of your country but about the infinite love for life, which supposedly includes your beautiful country and its people.

Any pilgrim probably understands what I am talking about and this is also the reason, why until now, I have not managed to meet Porto. I surely will come back and visit this wonderful city, as its energy I do can feel. It appears to be peaceful and like the rest of Portugal, it is home to its humble beingness. Well, if a city can actually be humble, but I simply say it this way and for me, that is what I experience. So, yes, I can be here, connected with a region through the eyes of a pilgrim and its presence. Love Porto.

Bom Caminho.
… and good night.

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